Finally comes the National Fish and Chip Day

The long-awaited (delayed) National Fish and Chip Day (NFCD) is finally coming this Friday. While this marks probably the best trading day for the industry, the critical issue chippies face is how to sustain sales after the inevitable NFCD spike, says Hans Frode Kielland Asmyhr, UK Director in the Norwegian Seafood Council market commentary. 

The fish and chips industry absolutely boomed during lockdown, and it is worth asking “why?” 

Industry data shows that, during uncertain times, consumers shop for what they know. Fish and chips is one of the nation’s favourite dishes and sold a record number of sales in take-away meals. We know people love fish and chips, and the data shows the demand is there. 

- Luckily, chippies are working with trusted partners, like the Norwegian Seafood Council, so we can guarantee supply won’t be a problem, says Hans Frode Kielland Asmyhr.

But, to ensure that its profits are long-term and sustainable, simply being reliable may not be enough. 

Andrew Cook, President of the National Federation of Fish Fryers, believes the industry’s success has been the speed with which it has adapted and modernised during coronavirus. And there is definitely merit in this.